Hello there, I hope this email finds you well and safe. I have been up to a lot lately. I, fortunately, have not been clocking in and out at an 8-5 job! I never thought I would be happy about that but the last year and a half has been an adventure in self-discovery and finding new ways to develop financially.

I have been helping women balance their hormones because that is a subject near and dear to my heart!! I have struggled with hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, weight gain and more. If you want more info about that you can get it right here.

I have been in the business of essential oils for about 6 years now. I love the oils! Don’t anyone EVER try to take them away from me. However, I haven’t had a successful income stream from that endeavor.
So moving forward, I have actually gotten involved with a new company. It was quite by accident. Why would I do that after basically failing with the previous company? Well, because I am always looking for something to learn, to do, to explore, to acquire income from, to get healthier using, so I just keep going. This company is a Health and Wellness company, of course, because that’s what I do. But what drew me to the company more than the products is the culture, community and comp plan. They truly care about member success and have put systems in place to help with growth. They don’t just persuade you to sign up and then leave you hanging not knowing what to do next. In fact, they have these zoom calls every night at 7:30 PM CST where you can hear all about the company. I am in a FB community of people from all over the US and Canada. We are getting to know each other and support each other's success. We are holding FireSide chats that are more time flexible if the 7:30 PM time isn't good for you.
People get nervous with the mention of a network marketing company. But NWM is a legal and legitimate business structure that offers real products & services sold to customers. It’s not a pyramid scheme which is illegal. For a small fee to support your back office you can get started with great products, training and eventually weekly income from this company. The comp plan is like none I have ever seen!!! AND!!!! Until December 31 you have the opportunity to earn $1000. It’s Christmas cash!
They have products that are very different from the previous company so there really is no comparison. They have medical grade collagen peptides, sprays that you spray under your tongue to support sleep, B12, Vit D, Vit C, anxiety and metabolism. That’s just a start!!!I would love to meet with you and tell you more!! So click right here for good info!!! I look forward to hearing from you and joining you on a call. Oh!! One more thing, if you can’t make a 7:30 PM call we can schedule a special time for you to come to a FireSide chat!
In fact, that is a smaller, more intimate setting that you may enjoy more.