Being Grateful
It’s the time of year when we start thinking about what we’re thankful for. But did you know that gratitude and thankfulness can actually have a positive impact on your health? Check out these three ways being grateful can improve your physical and mental wellbeing.
1. Boosts immunity. Studies have shown that people who express gratitude on a regular basis have stronger immune systems. One study even found that people who kept a daily gratitude journal were less likely to get sick! So, if you’re looking to avoid getting sick this winter, make sure to show some extra appreciation for all the good in your life.
2. Reduces stress and anxiety. We all experience stress and anxiety from time to time, but did you know that being grateful can help reduce these feelings? One study found that people who practice gratitude had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and focus on what you’re thankful for—it might just help relieve some of that stress.
3. Improves sleep quality. Getting enough rest is important for maintaining our physical and mental health, but it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep sometimes. Luckily, gratitude can help with that too! One study found that people who wrote down what they were grateful for before bed slept better than those who didn’t. So, if you’re struggling to get some shut-eye, try expressing some gratitude—it just might help you drift off to dreamland more easily

Let's Take it a Step Further
Jesus encourages us to be thankful even when we are going through trials. We aren't guaranteed a life without problems but He has provided a way for us even in the midst of those problems. We can't see the end of the road but He can. When we are thankful to Him even in the middle of troubles, He is with us.
In 1Thessalonians 5:18 he says, "give thanks in everything; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in on body, rule your hearts. And be thankful.
When we are thankful and express our gratitude, it helps to improve our mental well-being. Praying regularly can be helpful for those who struggle with depression or anxiety because they know that Jesus cares about them enough that their thoughts haven't been completely lost forever.
One study looked at patients suffering from chronic illness such as cancer which often leads people into feelings of losing hope. After just eight weeks where these individuals were given opportunities throughout each day via Thankful Devotionals – A Prayer Guide For The Healing Power Of Thanksgiving - there were benefits that included less stress confessing problems and illnesses even if no solutions were offered.
That's the power of prayer and of being full of gratitude and thankfulness to Jesus.
So this Thanksgiving, as you share a hearty meal with your family and friends, call out what you are thankful for and then continue that practice every day from then on even during the trials of life.
Love, Shoshana
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